Now you can donate to LGB Alliance Canada!

Help us protect the rights of same-sex attracted Canadians.

We need your help to continue our work. We are a grassroots organization that relies on donations from supporters like you. Your generous contribution will enable us to:

  • Engage in respectful dialogue and share science- and fact-based information with the media, elected representatives, and the public.

  • Support LGB people who face discrimination, harassment, or violence for asserting their same-sex attraction.

  • Educate and empower LGB youth to embrace their sexual orientation and resist conversion therapy and coercion.

  • Collaborate with other LGB organizations around the world to promote the rights and dignity of same-sex attracted people.

Please consider making a donation today. You can donate online at our website here.

Thank you for your support. Together, we can make a difference for LGB Canadians.


Your friends at LGB Alliance Canada


Letter to the WHO: re-evaluate the makeup of your trans health committee


Brief: Supporting Gender Questioning Students in Canadian Schools